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IBCCCNDC Eyebrow Lamination Treatment (Beauty 13313)

List price: 29.90
Short description:
Eyebrow growth treatment, for volume. 1 x Cling Film 1 x Brow Lift Brush 1 x Cleanser 1 x Perm Lotion 1 x Fixation Lotion 1 x Nutrition Lotion 1 x Brow Lift Glue How to use: 1:Use cleanser lotion to clean off the brow  2:Comb the brows with Y shape brush, then cover it...
In stock

Eyebrow growth treatment, for volume.
1 x Cling Film
1 x Brow Lift Brush
1 x Cleanser
1 x Perm Lotion
1 x Fixation Lotion
1 x Nutrition Lotion
1 x Brow Lift Glue
How to use:
1:Use cleanser lotion to clean off the brow
 2:Comb the brows with Y shape brush, then cover it with the cling film 
3:Apply perm lotion, covering with the cling film about 3-5 minutes
4:Apply fixation lotion, covering with the cling film about 3-5 minutes
5:Use cleanser to clean all the perm residue
6:Finally, use  nutrition to repair the eyebrow, covering it with cling film about 3-5 minutes

Weight: 155gr